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The day you and your beloved finally pledge your undivided love will be marked by plenty of heartfelt instances you will remember for a lifetime. And among all elements that honour this occasion, reading your wedding vows will certainly leave the most profound impression. If you plan on attempting this momentous task yourself, you have probably wondered where you can source your inspiration. Yes, your vows should truly embody and translate the essence of your love, but having never written some, it can be hard to get started.

Luckily, we are here today to share some tips and inspiration for writing personal wedding vows your partner and your guests would adore. So, let’s approach the topic together!

Writing your own wedding vows!

There is no standardised formula for vow writing, although you are allowed to source inspiration from some examples other couples wrote. After all, pouring your deepest emotions onto a piece of paper is not a task you should underestimate. No matter how sure you are about your feelings for your partner, saying it poetically can impose a challenge. Therefore, glancing at some vow examples can often provide just the amount of inspiration you need to excel at the writing task.

Below, you will find some of our favourite fragments you can look up to in your attempt to create a written piece that reflects your unique love story.

Also please watch a beautiful wedding video where Shelby & Mackenzie wrote a personal wedding vows to each other, this wedding was filmed at Villa Bonomi, Lake Como. 

This can serve as the initial point around which you can make some adjustments and make it sound more personal. Focus on the promise you intend to your beloved, something along the lines of “I will be there for you through thick and thin”. Remember that wedding vows are actually promises you are expected to keep long after your wedding day bliss is over.

“I promise to always love and cherish you, in light and in darkness, and to be both your supportive partner and your best friend.

If you wish to incorporate a religious note in your personal wedding vows, there is an easy way to do it. You can start your sentence with “Having God as my witness”, or “As we stand before God, I promise to love and cherish you”. You can, of course, adjust the rest of the sentence according to the promise you intend to give.

Therefore, you may promise “to love you unconditionally and always stand by your side”, “to trust and respect you as we walk hand in hand on our journey together”, or “to choose you now and continue to choose you every day for the rest of our lives”.

Feel free to adjust your vow to your unique love, as incorporating a personal flair will make it even more meaningful. Moreover, remember that you can always share a personal story or perhaps a humorous anecdote, but don’t make them too long. Try to balance the list of promises, real situations, and humorous events to keep your wedding vows engaging yet momentous. And if you are looking for more inspiration, don’t forget to read the rest of our blogs.

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